Click the link below to register for Empress Menen Day, Chicago Celebration April 19th, 2025 6PM-9:00PM Central Standard Time
And Her Name Shall Be called
Your Serene and All just Majesty
Empress Etege Menen Asfaw
Lady of Quality King of Queens
The Conquering Lion of Judah hath Conquered
Introduction for EMC
Empress Menen Chronicles is the chronicling of the African woman’s experience from ancient times to present. We hold that the perfect embodiment of that story is the Empress Menen herself, who ascended the throne of the oldest civilization in the world, in November of 1930, as Empress and Co-Regent of Quedemawi Haile Selassie I. At present, it can be argued, that the Rastafari movement, like many other black liberation movements, is still awaking up from the deep slumber of European, patriarchal, imposed order. We are slowly, as brothers and sisters, realizing that we are much more than what we have become.
A faithful study of Empress Menen’s life will be a bright light (as is the meaning of her name) to guide us forward to our greatness. It was in Africa that the world was first introduced to the concepts of Queen and Goddess. Many, many symbols, stories and legends still exist today about those ancient powerful women. The Empress Menen Chronicles exist to re-ignite the self-determined vision of black womanhood, motherhood and sisterhood. This journal exists to whisper in the ear of African women that the world, and our communities are awaiting our leadership to move them from chaos to order. As was true in the beginning of time, so is true today, the African woman has an indispensable, critical role to play in the evolution of the human race.
Empress Menen Chronicles is a historic and cultural journal for, and about, African women. We focus sharply on the life and legacy of Empress Menen, and we allow those who honor the Empress, and all black women to share their research, ideas, and written self-expressions.
Our debut publication is jammed packed with delights for all readers
Full color 9x9 book
Cover art by Ras Ato K. Roberts (Son of Ras Daniel Heartman)
Gloss on all inside pages
3 feature length articles on the 1. The Coronation of an Empress 2. The Black Madonna and Rastafari, 3. The precious 50+ year marriage between His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I and Her Imperial Majesty Empress Menen Asfaw.
An ital (vegan) recipe from the Empress Menen School Cookbook.
A pull-out poster article on Empress Menen (re-printed with permission)
Contributing articles from sisters in the Caribbean, USA, and Africa
Empress Menen Chronicles $40 +10.00 S&H

Empress Menen Asfaw Timeline